Hi, I’m Cody! I’m interested in computers and programming, media, language, communication, science, philosophy, epistemology,
Making Music and Bitcoin,
skateboarding, and
Taking Children Seriously.
A little about the blog->For years I’ve been blogging and content aggregating on and off on various platforms.
I started taking photos, programming and using computers seriously in high school. I started with HTML and CSS, and dabbled a little with PHP. In 2018 I taught myself Ruby on Rails, and finished a course on
modern JavaScript (ES6) in 2022. I learned React in 2023, but prefer to work with Hotwire. If you’d like to see the source code for this simple site, perhaps there’s something you’d like to glean for your own home, the source code is open and
available on GitHub.
Work and growth->
In 2010, I graduated from Indiana University with a double major in East Asian Languages and Cultures and Communication and Culture. I worked on two art publications, and focused on making videos and film (including some 16mm work). I also worked at WTIU and the IU Radio/Television services department.
Post gradation from IU, after a short stint raising money delivering submarine sandwiches on a bike without health insurance for Jimmy John’s in 2011, I taught English as a CELTA certified English as a Foreign Language instructor in Japan. I worked at a well-known company in the industry, Interac, for almost 4 years. Through Interac’s contract system I taught hundreds of kids of all ages at a dozen or so elementary and pre-schools in Sakai (Osaka) and Aioi (Hyogo).
In the Fall of 2013 I accepted a position at a nice little private English school called Northwood in Tatsuno (Hyogo). I passed the JPLT N2 while working at Northwood, and lead professional development new hires.
I married in 2015, and left Northwood and English teaching to help manage the family wholesale oyster business and contribute the best way I know how, by using my computer skillz.
Oysters and challenges->
Funabiki Shoten was established in 1956, and is a third generation family run company. They primarily ship oysters in bulk to a few dozen wholesale markets across Japan. I helped operate three online shops (Rakuten, Yahoo, and our homepage), a direct to buyer platform called Infomart, and a ‘Furusato-noze’ shop. They store live oysters on the premises at the factory, and work with farmers, but don't raise their own. Oysters are seasonal, though that’s changing a bit because of bio-technological advances like triploid oysters. So, in the summer they also sell boiled octopus, grilled conger eel, frozen ‘oyster’ salmon, and dried shrimp.
I worked as full time staff there for over 9 years and am still on call as a sort of part-time CTO when they need me. Here are a few projects I worked on while there that I'm most proud of:
- Not strictly business related, but as an ambassador for tourism and Oyster marketing, I volunteered for a promotional video for the city of Ako in 2017. The PR site is still accessible at the time of writing at 赤穂観光 Feel Ako Time. The video, which I star in, can be found here on YouTube.
- Product design and branding for all Samurai Oyster products, using Photoshop, Illustrator, Final Cut and a Sony A7riii for Videography. Some of this can be seen at the Oyster Sisters Rakuten site.
- A back office Rails app which unites and automates order processing from across the aforementioned e-commerce platforms (Full Stack: Ruby on Rails, HTML/CSS, JS, Heroku/GoogleCloud)
- A multilingual custom online shop for the Samurai Oyster brand using the Solidus platform.
- Industrial Design, marketing and production for the Samurai Oyster brand specialty oyster sauce product Samurai Oyster Sauce.
What's next->
In addition to prior responsibilities, I'm now doing freelance work for my own company 株式会社MOAB (MOAB Co., Ltd.). When I was a kid I would take trips with my family down to southern Utah. At the time, not many other people were doing that and at times it felt like we had a whole alien world all to ourselves to play in and explore. I filling it with my imagination and curiosity. The company is inspired by that space for imagination and play. I'm always interested in new projects, so please reach out if you need an independent programmer.
Visit the landing page here:
Fun-> I make music but I haven't produced or published much in quite a while. However, you can hear and drop some sats for my old work over at my profile for
CozyOrb on WavLake, as well as check the archives over on
Personally, I'm inspired and driven by the work of David Deutsch (Fabric of Reality, The Beginning of Infinity) and Karl Popper (The Open Society and its’ Enemies, The Myth of the Framework). Likewise, I’m a huge supporter of Taking Children Seriously (
TCS), and I try to help grow knowledge in fun non-coercive ways.
If you’d like to contact me you can e-mail me (my name, Cody Baldwin, all lowercase, no spaces, at g mail),
I’m also on X.